Our Mission
We looked across a thriving entertainment industry and challenged ourselves to bring the biggest and best shows back to the people.
Attracting top productions wasn’t going to happen just because we wanted it to happen - we needed to create the theatre fit for the 21st Century.
DOME Theatre’s ‘big top’ structure leverages today’s state-of the-art technology and construction techniques to deliver an experience like no other, at incomparable value.

Major investment
Slow return on investment
Long construction time
Internal pillars obstruct view of stage
Not environmentally sustainable
High running costs
Inflexible space as the floor is stepped
Relatively low investment
Strong return on investment
Fast construction time (20y life expectancy with limited regular PPM)
With its external structure, views of the stage are uninterrupted
All of the above ground structure can be recycled
Relatively low running costs
Grandstand seats can be removed within 48hrs
Floor is flat creating a totally flexible space
Can be relocated